Wool in the North - The Faroe Islands

Описание к видео Wool in the North - The Faroe Islands

WOOL IN THE NORTH is a multi-year project that aims at developing sustainable tourism & textile tourism focusing on sheep's wool, wool products and wool-related learning experiences such as workshops and courses, etc. Such activities reduce wool waste, create growth within wool production and product development, and ultimately strengthen the sheep farming industry on the whole.

Wool in the North is financed by NORA, the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation, and therefore the project has partners from the Faroe Islands (Búnadarstovan / Agricultural Agency & Patt Lucas), Greenland (Innovation South Greenland), Iceland (Icelandic Textile Center/Hólar University) and Norway (Sommerakademiet & Floortje Zonneveld), in cooperation with Scotland (Deborah Gray Textiles).

In September 2022 Wool in the North project group was together in The Faroe Islands, meeting & experiencing Faroese Wool and culture. This film is the product of that tour, with the purpose of introducing the concept curious in connection with the project.
The film is created by Floortje Zonneveld.



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