2022: ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course. Rob Swanson, Kay Evanovich, January 2022

Описание к видео 2022: ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course. Rob Swanson, Kay Evanovich, January 2022

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About: Over seven sessions, instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich will help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees. Attendees will also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam.

STUDY GUIDE: Attendees should read through the ISA Arborist Certification Study Guide (not included) to prepare for the review and the exam. The Arborist Certification Study Guide is available at www.isa-arbor.com and www.amazon.com. Attendees will be responsible for completing their own application for the exam.


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