Having chemotherapy and other treatments in the Day Treatment Unit

Описание к видео Having chemotherapy and other treatments in the Day Treatment Unit


This video has been kindly funded by The Ashley Charitable Trust:

and supported by:

This production hopes to provide information and support for patients, friends and relatives of patients having chemotherapy or other treatments on the Day Treatment Unit, the video covers:

1. Coming to the Day Treatment Unit (DTU) for the first time
2. Scheduling in your treatment
3. Having pre treatment checks
4. Checking into the DTU
5. Having treatment in a bed or a chair
6. Having a new patient talk
7. The different types of venous access
8. Being connected to the IV machine and pump
9. Moving around the DTU during treatment
10. The experience of having treatment in the DTU
11. Asking for advice during treatment and having a private discussion
12. Dealing with side effects during treatment
13. Meeting the pharmacist and being prescribed supportive medication
14. How triage provides support
15. Contacting triage for support and advice
16. Your length of stay on the DTU


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