Crispy Soft Dyed & Fresh BSN 💙🩵🤍 Gym Chalk ASMR

Описание к видео Crispy Soft Dyed & Fresh BSN 💙🩵🤍 Gym Chalk ASMR

Hi Beauties 👋

I know what you’re thinking…

And, yes, this was ALLL BSN. You can tell the very first block was our “standard” fluffy, melting version that holds a giant space in my heart but the rest was a crispy soft texture. It was actually lovely. So easy to break & still created a crazy amount of dust and fine powder. I can’t lie, though. I got a bit nervous about the changing texture of our beloved BSN so I went through the rest of the boxes from my recent order immediately after this crush and, rest assured, our favorites are still accounted for 🥳

I’ve somehow convinced Mr. Sparkle that we need to go shopping today. It is a miracle of epic proportions!! I hope you enjoy whatever fun comes your way this weekend.

Love your gorgeous faces!! 😘

Sparkle 💙✨


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