Hen Hatches Ducklings. Our hen saves abandoned eggs. Patitos eclosión gallina Canetons avec poule

Описание к видео Hen Hatches Ducklings. Our hen saves abandoned eggs. Patitos eclosión gallina Canetons avec poule

When our neighbour went on holiday he left two ducks on two nests in the same house, both to hatch on the same day......Written article http://holistic-hen.blogspot.fr/2015/... My sites:
The Holistic Hen: https://holistic-hen.blogspot.com/ which also includes written articles to accompany each film plus stand alone ones as well.
https://simplyorganicrecipes.blogspot... Our favourite recipes from home and around the World including gluten-free, and homemade health and beauty.
https://upcycledwardrobecostumeandclo... Projects for costume making, crafts and clothes. http://ko-fi.com/pavlovafowl – where you can buy me a coffee = $3 if you like my work and want to support it or https://www.paypal.me/Pavlovafowl https://www.patreon.com/user?u=769335 – if you’d also like to be a part of our new venture into animation.
Join me on Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@Pavlovaf...
I'm also building up a presence on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/vcVo...
#HenHatchesDucklings #Hensavesducklings #HenMothersDucklings
Cuando nuestro vecino se fue de vacaciones que dejó dos patos en dos nidos en la misma casa, tanto supone que eclosionan en el mismo día ......
Quand notre voisin a pris ses vacances, il a laissé deux canards sur deux nids dans le même poulailler, toutes deux prévues pour faire éclore le même jour ...... #ducklingshatching #duckabandonseggs #henhatchesducklings


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