French Poem - Le dormeur du Val by Arthur Rimbaud

Описание к видео French Poem - Le dormeur du Val by Arthur Rimbaud

Slow reading of this poem is also available on my channel.

Improve your French pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary by listening to this French Poem: Le dormeur du Val (The sleeper of the Valley) by Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891).

The video includes bilingual text in French (original text) and English (word for word translation), as well as grammar and vocabulary notes.

Vocabulaire -- Vocabulary
La nature -- Nature
la verdure -- greenery/plants
l'herbe -- the grass
une forêt -- a forest
un arbre -- a tree
une vallée -- a valley
une montagne -- a mountain
une colline -- a hill
une rivière -- a river

Le corps -- The body
la tête -- the head
la nuque -- the back of the neck
la bouche -- the mouth
le nez -- the nose
la narine -- the nostril
les pieds -- the feet
la main -- the hand
la poitrine -- the chest or breast

Grammaire -- Grammar
Adverbes formés à partir d'adjectifs avec "-ment" -- Adverbs formed from adjectives by adding "-ment" at the end
fou/folle - follement -- crazy (m/f) - crazily
lent/lente - lentement -- slow (m/f) - slowly
rapide - rapidement -- fast/rapid (m/f) - rapidly


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