How Method Nnoggie became a World First WoW Raider

Описание к видео How Method Nnoggie became a World First WoW Raider


Quazii discusses with Nnoggie what it takes to be a Race to World First World of Warcraft Raider.

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Twitter:   / imquazii  
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00:00 Nnoggie Truth Bombs
2:12 Who is Nnoggie
3:09 Playing DKs and more at the World First Level
6:27 Advice on being a World First level Death Knight
8:48 The issue with Class balancing in modern WoW
11:28 How Nnoggie went from a normal raider to World First raider
14:38 How Diablo 3 got Nnoggie Gkicked and talent scouted
17:04 Secret to being noticed from Warcraft Logs
19:59 How Nnoggie figured out secret techs like Parry Haste
21:21 Stepping onto the big Raid stage and meeting the OGs
23:39 Nnoggie Method, REM and Echo lore
25:36 Nnoggie still gets nervous for Guild trials even at his level
26:55 What it takes to be a Race to World First RAider
29:46 RWF Raider approach to theorycrafting fights and builds
31:08 Mental game and drive needed to win a RWF
33:16 What it feels like to take down World First raid bosses
34:57 Class buffs is a MASSIVE problem for balancing
40:13 NA vs EU different start times for races
42:43 Being a 5000 IQ Big Brain Analyst in WoW
45:30 So big brain Nnoggie even troubleshoots for healers
46:50 Comming misunderstanding of raiding at the top level
49:31 WeakAuras and Competitive Raiding
52:33 When WeakAuras become an armsrace
54:36 Nnoggie on Private WeakAuras
57:27 Nnoggie fondest wins in race to world first
1:00:37 The birth of legendary MDT addon
1:03:07 Nnoggie advice on learning WoW development
1:06:57 Nnoggie on Plunderstorm and WoW new direction
1:10:55 Nnoggie thoughts on TWW and Hero Talents
1:13:42 Player Power progressions, grinds and systems
1:18:26 Whats next for Nnoggie and shoutouts


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