Breathing Exercise & Make The Next Play / "At Home with George" May 7 Edition

Описание к видео Breathing Exercise & Make The Next Play / "At Home with George" May 7 Edition

In the latest installment (filmed on May 7th) of "At Home With George" — a new series of informal riffs recorded during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020, mindfulness and performance expert George Mumford discussed the importance of being in the moment and centering ourselves and leads the audience through a 3-minutes exercise in focusing on the breath/mindful breathing.

He also talked about the ESPN documentary "The Last Dance", which chronicles the Bulls and Michael Jordan. George was interviewed for the film and was involved with Jordan, the Bulls, and coach Phil Jackson in that era.

Additional topics covered this week include Jackson's slogan, "Make The Next Play"; success coming from succeeding at one activity at a time; J Krishnamurti; George's adaptation, "joy is in every step"'; and saying yes to life.

More information on George and the tools he offers to cope with stress and be more mindful can be found here:


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