Following Seas - Mechanical Overview and Something with four sided sails.

Описание к видео Following Seas - Mechanical Overview and Something with four sided sails.

Yes I know. Lightmode. The horror.

Based on a couple comments I got, I would like to clear up a bit how the sailing system works.

I've locked the hull in place for this, so that's why were not moving.

In some similar games, the control of the sails is fairly rigid, meaning, if you control the position of the sail at all, it's a matter of rotating the sail or yard until it's positioned optimally to the wind and your done. Please don't take this as critisism towards these games -- I am just looking to build a system that feels a little different.

In this game you have both more and in some ways less control, as you must control the ropes and lines rather than the larger parts of the rigging. The position of the yards for example, can not be controlled directly by the player. Instead, the center mass of the sails will attempt to align themselves with the force of the wind, assuming that there is enough slack in the ropes to allow this.

Also something other than lateen sails are in the works.


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