Proxytype Blog - TFT Comparison - Teensy 3.1 and Arduino Nano

Описание к видео Proxytype Blog - TFT Comparison - Teensy 3.1 and Arduino Nano

Teensy 3.1 is compatible arduino ide board with cortex m4 processor, run in maximum speed of 96 Mhz and smaller then the Arduino NANO, it's pretty cheap, and you can find it in SparkFun for 20$.

use it like you using the arduino, dont forget to download the extras from the manufacturer site.

TFT ElecFreaks TFT01-2.2SP Pinouts:

11- SDI
13 - SCK
10 - CS
8 - RST
9 - DC

UTFT myGLCD (TFT01_22SP,11,13,10,8,9) ;

Final Results:

Arduino Nano 16 Mhz full animation:
3617025 ms

Teensy 3.1 96 Mhz full animation:
37774 ms


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