Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer but it's Minecraft

Описание к видео Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer but it's Minecraft

What if Breath of the Wild 2 didn't come out on the Switch, but instead came out in Minecraft?
Here it is, after two weeks of working on this daily, I've finally finished. A huge thanks to all the people who've helped me out along the way, you know who you are, I couldn't have done it without you.

See a side by side comparison here:    • BotW2 Trailer in Minecraft - Side by ...  

What would you like to see made into Minecraft next? Let me know in the comments! I'm going to need some new projects to work on c;

Credit to ProfJeffy for providing me with the elytra texture, super appreciate you sharing that with me! Check out their YouTube channel here:    / @profjeffy  
Credit to Mauripichi on PlanetMinecraft for the Hyrule Castle build, all other terrain was built by me, but having a prebuilt castle to work with really helped streamline the project, check it out here:
And obviously credit to the folks at Nintendo for making such a cool game in the first place, I'm so absolutely hyped for the sequel.

#BOTW2 #Minecraft


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