Motion Sickness and How to Prevent it

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Check out our latest video on this topic:    • Reliefband Motion Sickness Band for a...  
Tips about sea sickness (or motion sickness) and how to prevent or alleviate the symptoms. See our episode on wrist bands here:    • Do Motion Sickness Wrist Straps Work?  

Hi, I'm Sheri from CruiseTipsTV.

Today we are going to talk about something that can absolutely ruin your cruise ... and we're going to give you a few tips about how to avoid it. Here's the scenario, you've subscribe to our channel, and watched all our tip videos, and ... Wait, you haven't subscribed? Well do it now then. I'll wait.

Okay, so you've watched the videos and planned everything, but on your cruise you suddenly feel dizzy and nauseous, and it's getting worse. Yes, it's the most hated of hated, motion sickness. It can happen to anyone, but the common symptoms of nausea, vomiting and dizziness can generally be prevented and treated. And we've collected a few tips to help you do just that. These aren't in any specific order, and what works for you may not work for others. So, Pack and be prepared with a few options just in case.

1. We'll start with what I use occasionally - a wristband. This helps prevent symptoms from occurring. These wristbands are sold at drugstores under brand names like Sea-Band and BioBands, and they have a hard round button that gently presses against an acupressure point in your wrist, which is said to control nausea.

2. Perhaps the most common approach is over-the-counter medication containing dimenhydrinate or diphenhydramine. You'll see these marketed under several brand names, but look for those active ingredients. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should begin taking the medication half-hour to an hour before boarding. This give the medication time to work. Then continue taking it as directed by the usage instructions.

3. If you prefer a more natural approach, ginger root can be very effective. Many scientific (and not so scientific) studies have confirmed it. Our advice however, pack this (ginger candy) not this (ginger root). You can also try ginger tablets, capsules or cookies on your next cruise. It's best to start using this natural remedy at least 24 hours before you embark on your cruise. Most studies recommend ginger for mild cases, and it may not be effective in all instances.

4. The Mayo Clinic also suggests using a prescription scopolamine patch if you have experienced motion sickness in the past and haven't had success with over the counter medication. Apply the patch to the skin behind your ear. Replace it with a fresh patch every three days. Obviously it's best to discuss this with you doctor.

5. This one may not always make the most sense, but it could be effective in some circumstances. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, keeping your eyes on one fixed point reduces aggravating stimuli that can cause motion sickness symptoms. Taking a trip to the top deck on the ship and looking out at the horizon may help when you start to feel ill.

Here are a couple more quick tips to remember.
1. Dehydration can make the symptoms worse, so drink plenty of water during the day.

2. Pick a cabin near the middle of the ship if you are prone to motion sickness. The motion of the ship is less noticeable in this area. The further you are away from the "motion of the ocean" the less motion you'll feel. So a midship cabin on a lower deck could be a good choice if you suffer from motion sickness.

That's it for this episode. Be sure to check us out on twitter @CruiseTipsTV. Now get out there and cruise. If you like this video, please like and subscribe. And please, share our videos with fellow cruisers. We have more on the way. Until then, we'll see you on the high seas.


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