Описание к видео TAHIA CAMBET - JAPAN WORKSHOP TOUR 2019 #1

Konbanwa! Good evening ladies! 🌸
Got home safe and sound, exhausted and very moved by this week spent in Japan, I met and shared unforgettable moments with more than 300 people.
45 hours of classes, 20 workshops, 285 dancers, 10 different choreographies, 35 hours of sleep.
Conclusion: I feel like I lived 1 month in 1 week 😜

Each class was different, all were awesome!

I started teaching the day I arrived and met Hitomi Tange and her school. We worked on the choreographies "Stay" then "Icare" which earned me huge body aches all along my stay.

I quickly realized the level of Japanese dancers and their technical needs which allowed me to improve the classes day after day.
They gave everything, we suffered 😅

A few days later, I met the teenage girls from Hitomi's school, we worked hard on the Otea "Tarita" and we also had a lot of fun!

ありがとうございました @Hitomi Tange ♥️
タヒチ・ヘイヴァ・イン・ジャパン Tahiti Heiva in Japan, my Dj Ninja Ken Watada Sama & dear Tomomi Watada

Musics :
Sunflower by Post Malone
Cravashh by Dj Nasty
Otea Tarita by Tahiti Ora
Stay by Rihanna
Pehe A Hine by O Tahiti E
#ourjapantour #tahiacambet #tahitiandance #oritahiti #fromtahititojapan #choregraphy #dance #workshop #oritahitiworkshop #eddtahiacambet #tahiacambettahitiandanceschool #tahiacambetdanceclass #rehearsal #tahitiheivainjapan


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