How To Fix A Deviated Septum | Dr Moustafa Mourad | Mourad NYC

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What is a deviated septum? What are the causes? How can it be fixed? Dr. Moustafa Mourad is here to explain. He is double-board certified in Head and Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction.

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The nasal septum refers to a central cartilage that separates the left and the right side of the nose. It's really important because it directs airflow from the front of the nose to the back of the throat and down into the lungs.

Any time you have a bowing or deviation of the septum to one side or the other, or even both sides, you're obstructing that air flow. This is what we call a deviated septum, or a nasal septal deviation.

The most common symptom of a deviated nasal septum is the inability to breathe from your nose. Other signs include a crooked nose, where you feel like your nose is crooked to one side or the other, frequent nosebleeds, crusting, whistling noise, or frequent sinus infections.

Now, the most telling sign of a deviated septum is that the obstruction is fixed. It means it doesn't get better. It doesn't get better whether your allergies are getting better. It doesn't get better in the morning. It doesn't get better with head position. Really, if you can't breathe through one side or both sides of your nose always, then there's a good chance you have a deviated nasal septum.

A lot of times people wonder why do I have a septal deviation. A lot of times people are just born with it. About 70% of the population might be born with a deviation in their septum, but it's not causing them any problems. However, they might have a subsequent trauma or they might hit their nose or that deviation can continue to worsen as they get older. So a lot of times people develop symptomatic septal deviations later on in life.

Nasal septal deviation can be fix through surgery. Whether it's in conjunction with a rhinoplasty or simply a septoplasty, really the surgical goal is to get a crooked septum back to the middle.

You might be wondering if you are a candidate for a septoplasty. Really the best way to know is a diagnosis. If your septum is deviated and it's symptomatic and causing you problems in your life, can't exercise, can't sleep at night, you're snoring, these are all reasons to have a septoplasty.

It's a same-day surgery. You come in, you go home the same day. You typically have nasal splints that are left in the nose for about seven to 10 days. Sometimes we might leave that in a little bit longer if the septal deviation was very severe.

In the postoperative period, the first week is usually the hardest because you have those septal splints in place. So patients kind of say it feels like the worst cold they've had. They feel congested. They feel like they have a lot of mucus. But at that first postoperative visit when those splints come out, patients feel a lot better and they can usually breathe better instantaneously. But it may take up to six months for you to feel the full effects of the surgery.

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