Modern Warfare 3 Mission 4 Complete Call of Duty - Rough end of mission!

Описание к видео Modern Warfare 3 Mission 4 Complete Call of Duty - Rough end of mission!

Hi guy's and welcome to the channel

Today's video is Modern Warfare 3 Mission 4 Complete Call of Duty - Rough end of mission! and it starts without the signature intro as my editing software wouldn't allow the clip to attach to the end of the intro so I just sacked it off. So I start where I left off at the end of the introduction Warfare video where i then proceed to sneak my way to the 1st objective. Once I have the keycard to the bunker I enter and meet up with our team mate where we then proceed to the missile launch room. Once we discover that I need to close the silo lid I then have a race against the clock to get bck outside, kill everyone including a couple of juggernaughts and close the silo lid. This is a 3 minute time limit so u need to get ya skates on lol.

Once I close the silo lid it is then the outro for the mission and we then proceed to load up the nxt mission so that we can start there when I do the nxt episode for the channel. I hope you guy's liked the video and if you did then plz smash that like button and if you enjoyed and watched more video's on then channel then why not subscribe? It's free and such a small thing on your end is a massive 1 for me ere at the channel and thank you, you legends!


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