Joe Montana: Cool Under Pressure - "Hey Look, it's John Candy"

Описание к видео Joe Montana: Cool Under Pressure - "Hey Look, it's John Candy"

Super Bowl XXIII against the Cincinnati Bengals on Jan. 22, 1989. Down 16-13 with 3:20 left in the game, Joe Montana diverts his O-lineman's attention away from himself and on to actor John Candy, who was seated at the opposite end of the field. This is technique is reminiscent of one used in psychotherapy, where the therapist will divert the attention of a narcissistic patient by asking a question that is unusually banal, e.g. "why did you chose to wear a red and gold uniform to your session today?" After pointing out Candy seated behind the opposite end zone from their own eight yard line, Montana and the 49ers drove the ball down the field to score a touchdown with 34 seconds remaining on the clock.


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