
Описание к видео #MakeInIndia

Yogesh, who had only just completed high school, channeled his ingenuity into creating a driverless tractor. With a desire to ease the laborious work of his father, a farmer who toiled for hours under the harsh sun, Yogesh crafted a remarkable piece of technology that is both pragmatic and groundbreaking. Without any formal training or help, through sheer determination Yogesh constructed a remote control system that allows him to operate a tractor from a distance of up to 1 kilometer. This is especially revolutionary for agricultural work such as plowing fields, which is typically labour-intensive and time-consuming. The remote controller, which Yogesh designed and built on his own was completed over a six-month period. It features a transmitter which interfaces with various components of the tractor, including the steering wheel and the clutch, allowing for precise remote operation. #India #Punjab #driverless #tractor #tractorvideo #farmer #technology #tech #agriculture #inspiration

जब बाकी दुनिया अभी तक बिना ड्राइवर की कार बनाने की कोशिश कर रही है वहीँ इंडिया में रिमोट से चलने वाले ट्रेक्टर खेती कर रहे हैं। देखिये योगेश का कमाल का आविष्कार। #OMGIndia


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