Executive Yuan approves NT$28.5 billion for earthquake recovery|Taiwan News

Описание к видео Executive Yuan approves NT$28.5 billion for earthquake recovery|Taiwan News

The Executive Yuan has approved NT$28.5 billion for relief and reconstruction following the April 3 earthquake. Under the project, NT$18.44 billion will go toward the emergency repair and reconstruction of public facilities. NT$5.84 billion will be for resettling victims and rebuilding homes damaged by the earthquake. Another NT$4.08 billion will finance business revitalization. NT$190 million will go toward insurance subsidies and employment assistance.

Cheng Wen-tsan
Vice premier
The program covers four areas. The first covers the restoration of public facilities. The second covers resettlement and home reconstruction for affected residents. Resettlement strategies will include rental subsidies and hotel and accommodation matchmaking to provide residents with a safe place to live. Yellow-tagged homes will receive reconstruction subsidies, while red-tagged homes will be demolished at public expense. The goal is to rebuild the homes with partial support from subsidies within three to five years. The third part of the program is relief for businesses and tourism revitalization. The fourth establishes mechanisms for rebuilding lives. We will handle applications leniently and swiftly.

Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan said a dedicated reconstruction office will be established in Hualien. The Executive Yuan will station personnel in the county, to work alongside the local government. Cheng is scheduled to visit Hualien on Saturday, to discuss the relief program’s implementation with county officials.

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