WRAP Clashes in Ramadi; US troops, insurgents in Mosul; Baghdad a'math

Описание к видео WRAP Clashes in Ramadi; US troops, insurgents in Mosul; Baghdad a'math

(18 Nov 2004)

Ramadi, 18 November 2004
1. Wide shot smoke in the distance and sound of gunfire from clashes
2. US helicopter flying overhead
3. Various of insurgents with balaclava and rocket propelled grenade on shoulder
4. Various of masked insurgents with weapons running in streets
5. Various shots of shops and buildings damaged during clashes
6. Man standing in entrance of damaged shop
7. Wide of damage

Northeast Mosul, 18 November 2004
8. Masked insurgents in street with black smoke rising from behind building
9. Masked insurgents in the middle of street with guns
10. Insurgent with gun on top of roof
11. Wide of street with insurgents

Central Mosul, 18 November 2004
12. Various long shots of US military vehicles and personnel in front of police station in Mosul
13. Ruins of Azuhour police station, north east of Mosul
14. Various shots of deserted Khazraj police station, east of Mosul

Baghdad, 18 November 2004
15. Wide shot of blast site with fire trucks, police and soldiers present
16. Man hosing down damaged car
17. Various of smoking remains of car bomb
18. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Kadum Mehdi, Iraqi Police Officer:
"A car bomb exploded near al-Yarmouk police station. It caused a lot of damage and four were injured. We evacuated them to a hospital. One child was also killed."
19. Various of US soldiers at scene

Baghdad, 18 November 2004
20. Exterior shot of al-Yarmouk hospital
21. Various of wounded in hospital
26. Exterior of hospital


Insurgents continued to clash with US and Iraqi troops across Iraq on Thursday.

In the flashpoint Iraqi town of Ramadi, a three-hour gun battle between militants and US forces after nightfall on Wednesday reportedly left seven people dead and 13 others hurt.

Insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and Kalashnikov rifles at American forces in the city centre's Zayout district and along the main highway in the town, according to an official at Ramadi General Hospital.

Ramadi, about 113 kilometres (70 miles) west of Baghdad, falls within the restive Sunni Triangle area north and west of the capital where the bulk of insurgent attacks have erupted.

Elsewhere in the Sunni Triangle, in the northern city of Mosul, US troops were seen out on patrol in the centre of the city following several days of clashes between insurgents and US-led forces.

About 1,200 US troops launched an operation there this week to reclaim police stations abandoned after insurgent raids.

US officials said only 20 percent of the city's five-thousand police had returned to duty as of Wednesday.

However, in the northeastern part of the city, insurgents were seen freely roaming the streets and taking positions on building rooftops.

Also on Thursday, in the capital Baghdad, a car bomb detonated near a US military convoy in western Baghdad, killing two people, according to Iraqi police.

Police Captain Ahmed Shihab said the 0945 (0645 GMT) blast occurred near al-Yarmouk police station as a US armoured vehicle was driving by.

An Iraqi police officer at the scene told an APTN camera crew that a child was among the dead.

There was no immediate confirmation of casualties by the US military.

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