American Bulldog vs Pitbull - Full Comparison

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American Bulldogs vs. Pitbull; giving either dog a casual glance, and you might assume they are the same dog, but they are entirely different dog breeds while there are some similarities.

Suppose you're interested in adopting either dog or just curious about the American Bulldog vs. Pitbull. In that case, this description will help you identify which dog is which and what differences set them apart.

American Bulldog is a dog breed: Pitbull is a Descriptive Term

American Bulldogs are a distinct dog breed, and Kennel Clubs recognize them as such; however, the Pitbull is not a dog breed. Pitbull is a phrase often used concerning a group of dogs to describe them.

Pitbulls are dogs descended from lines of bulldogs and terriers, also commonly referred to as "bully breeds."

The breed of dogs within this "type" or group of dogs includes the American Staffordshire Terrier, the American Pitbull Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Bull Terrier, and the American Bulldog.

Typically when people talk about the Pitbull, they are speaking about the American Pitbull Terrier.

American Bulldogs Are "Bulldogs"

Pitbulls are a mix between bulldogs and terriers. The American Bulldog is not a mix and is a purebred dog. Hundreds of years ago in England, dog owners used the Old English Bulldog (now extinct) in the cruel and brutal bull and bear-baiting sport.

Once this so-called sport was outlawed, the dog owners turned to ratting and ultimately dogfighting for their entertainment.

While Bulldogs were hugely successful at bull and bear-baiting, ratting and fighting each other required dogs that had speed and agility, so dog owners crossed bulldogs with terriers.

The American Bulldog's history was not the same. The Old English Bulldog was taken to America in the 17th century by their immigrant owners to work on their newly acquired American farms.

The farmers employed the Bulldog as farm guardians and stock dogs. The Bulldog survived in the southern states because of their ability to kill wild pigs roaming the region in those days.

Over the years, the dog was known by numerous names before they chose the American Bulldog.

However, breeders and owners used both dogs in the bull and bear-baiting sports in American and England.

American Bulldog Vs. Pitbull Appearances

The most apparent difference between the American Bulldog and the American Pitbull Terrier is their relative sizes.

American Bulldogs are the bigger dog growing to 27 inches tall and weighing as much as 120 pounds. The APBT grows up to 21 inches and can weigh up to 60 pounds. So, there is a significant difference in size between the two dogs.

Another primary difference is the coat colors. The American Pitbull Terrier has a wide variety of colors, whereas the American Bulldog is typically white with brindle, red, black, and brown markings.

American Bulldog Vs. Pitbull Temperaments

Both dogs have much the same type of personality. American Bulldogs and Pitbulls enjoy being around their families.

Neither dog is comfortable being left alone for long periods and can suffer from separation anxiety. Surprisingly and contrary to what most people expect, both dogs are content to be around children and enjoy a child's company.

However, where they differ is how they react towards other dogs and smaller animals. Unless socialized correctly, both dogs can be aggressive to animals they haven't grown up with.

The The American Bulldog tends to be calmer when socialized, but Pitbulls always seem to have that edge about them, where you're not sure if they will be aggressive.

American Bulldog Vs. Pitbull Training

Neither of these two dogs is suitable for first-time, novice, or timid owners. They are both incredibly powerful dogs and are known to be stubborn when it suits them.

Owners need to train with a firm, patient, and consistent hand; harsh treatment will not work and will only induce more stubborn behavior leading to resentment from the dog.

American Bulldogs and Pitbulls need socializing from a very young age and, if possible, taking to obedience classes.

Final Thoughts - American Build Vs. Pitbull

While they might be similar in some respects, the Pitbull and American Bulldog are two distinct dogs with features that set them apart. They might initially have a shared history, but their paths diverged many years ago.

They have in common an affectionate nature; they are both loyal dogs and love their families.

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