What I eat in a week in NEW YORK CITY | nyc vlog

Описание к видео What I eat in a week in NEW YORK CITY | nyc vlog

Here's everything I ate in a week in the empire state... New York City.

This was my first time in NYC and I had sooooooooo much fun. We did all the touristy things like going to a broadway show (Hamilton), saw the empire state building from the Summit One Vanderbilt, visited the iconic Statue of Liberty and of course, ate so much FOOOOOOD. There's sooo many amazing and popular food spots in NYC that I can't wait to try the next time I'm able to come back. Until then, thank you for the best time ever new york!

To sum it up, the video is broken up into main parts:

00:29 - Bagels & Cafés
00:56 - The MET debrief
6:00 - Chinatown
7:36 - Fast Food & Street Food
10:50 - Desserts


List of every spot in the video:

Tompkins Square Bagels
Paris Baguette
Bluestone Lane
Shanghai Heping Restaurant
Lan Larb Chiang Mai
Raising Canes (lol)
Shake Shack (lol)
Joe's Pizza
Levain Bakery
Magnolia Bakery

#foodie #nyc #lifestyle


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