ArgoCD ApplicationSet with Applications, Image Updater and Notification controller

Описание к видео ArgoCD ApplicationSet with Applications, Image Updater and Notification controller

Pull Request with exact label preview from Github will trigger ArgoCD to create Applications CRD in Kubernetss cluster to create microservice deployment from branch which created PR. If new commit will come inside of branch created for PR then, new docker image will be created in Google Artifact Registry which, will be pulled back by ArgoCD Image Updater to inform applications (created by branch-prumuber) in ArgoCD, update image to new one. PR already created and when new commit comes to branch of PR, cloudbuild.yaml file triggers again to push new image to the Google Artifact Regisrty(GAR). ArgoCD Image Updater scans GAR to detect each image changes of each branches. If it happens, it is going to push changes back to helm charts repo under microservice folder. For example, if we create new PR from branch applicationset with PR number 11 of repository, then it is going to create new file with style .argocd-source-applicationset-11.yaml, with content of helm parameters with image tag which got from GAR and push to the repository main branch. Link to code files


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