Ambient with Octatrack filters

Описание к видео Ambient with Octatrack filters

Just a jam playing with the Octatrack filters. They are actually really good. I'm using the crossfader to play with the resonance on the track 4 which is a flex machine recording manually track 3 which itself records track 1 which is the sliced loop of the note heard from the beginning. It's not easy to find a moment when it plays something nice because it all depends on what is captured but that's the fun part.

The pads are both on track 6 and 7 whereas there is a sliced piano loop on track 5 and some noise on track 4.

Beside the fact that the memory of my phone was full so I wasn't able to capture everything (shame on me for not checking that before hand), I think that's all.

Thanks for listening !


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