Dead Space 2 Remake - What The Heck Is Going On?

Описание к видео Dead Space 2 Remake - What The Heck Is Going On?

Last year's Dead Space remake was pivotal for the franchise, signaling a revival of one of the best horror IPs and an outstanding title in its own right. The next project for Motive Studio would surely be a Dead Space 2 remake, right?

When the announcement came of it working on Battlefield, alongside the previously announced Marvel's Iron Man, there was reasonable concern from fans. Does this mean the Dead Space 2 remake isn't happening? Motive iterated that it's a two-project studio and nothing more.

However, reports emerged that the studio was in mind for something Dead Space-related, though it's not quite what you think. As for the lack of information about a potential follow-up, even after the first game's remake received so much critical acclaim, there's a reason for that.

Join us as we unravel the whole (alleged) story behind the (purported) Dead Space 2 remake.


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