Doctor Strange Vs Strange Supreme | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness | What If S01 E04

Описание к видео Doctor Strange Vs Strange Supreme | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness | What If S01 E04

It turns out the Ancient One split reality into two timelines the moment Stephen used the Eye of Agamotto to travel back in time using dark magic. This allowed two Stephens to exist in one universe simultaneously, and shortly after learning this, the Doctor Stranges come face to face. One fights for the sake of the universe, and the other fights to save Christine by reversing that absolute point in time. It's a brutal battle between the two, with dark Stephen coming out victorious as he absorbs the power of his counterpart. Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E04. #doctorstrange, #doctorstrangesupreme, #whatif, #marvel, #disney,.


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