Why God Allows Your Humiliations

Описание к видео Why God Allows Your Humiliations

In today's faith reflection for Lent we discuss why God allows humiliations in our life.

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Some key quotes for today's faith lenten reflection are below. All taken from Divine Intimacy, mediation 110.

Quote 1: "Many souls would like to be humble, but few desire humiliation; many ask God to make them humble and fervently pray for this, but very few want to be humiliated. Yet is is impossible to gain humility without humiliations;"

Quote: 2: If we were really convinced of this truth, we would find it very just that all should humiliate us, treat us without consideration, and despise us. In fact, what honor and consideration does one deserve who has offended his Creator, when a single sin—even a venial one—is more deplorable and worthy of more contempt than the most miserable earthly condition, the poorest and lowest estate?

Quote: 3 I never heard anything bad said of me,” said St. Teresa of Jesus, “ which I did not clearly realize fell short of the truth. If I had not sometimes—often, indeed—offended God in the ways they referred to, I had done so in many others, and I felt they had treated me far too indulgently in saying nothing about these

Quote 4: St. Bernard teaches that being humble and being humbled are two different things. We can say that everyone, in one way or another, receives humiliations in this life. Not many, however, become humble because very few accept humiliation and submit to it patiently.


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