Heaven or Hell Xtreme 2024 🇩🇪 Hard Enduro Series Germany | Flying Bikes

Описание к видео Heaven or Hell Xtreme 2024 🇩🇪 Hard Enduro Series Germany | Flying Bikes

The second race weekend of the Hard Enduro Series Germany in Crimmitschau is behind us. Once again, with "HESG weather" featuring bright
sunshine and temperatures above 20 degrees, all participants and fans had a great time.

Facts, Heaven or Hell Xtreme Enduro Crimmitschau 28.04.2024
Weather: 23 degrees, cloudy
ACE Bikes Prolog Award Winner: Henry Strauss (KTM)
Winner: Sonny Goggia (KTM)
Fastest Lap: Sonny Goggia (KTM), 22:05,597

1. Sonny Goggia
2. Leon Hentschel
3. Lenny Geretzky

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