CDC Parachute Adams Fishing Fly

Описание к видео CDC Parachute Adams Fishing Fly

A beautiful mess. We like CDC…a lot. Here’s a classic Parachute Adams tied with CDC and a stripped peacock quill. Despite what appears to be complete CDC chaos, the fly has a very slim profile when viewed from underneath. This is a generic mayfly pattern, but can be tied in various colors to more closely imitate baetis to drakes.

Tying Notes:
• Typically, when used for a soft hackle collar, CDC feathers/barbs are positioned in a dubbing loop so that the tag ends are trimmed close to the thread. For this fly, we like to position the barbs in the middle of the thread.

• Hook: Dry fly hook like a Daiichi 1180 ( or a Kona BDF (

• Thread: SemperFli Nano Silk 30D, grey.

• Tail: Antron (, split fibbets (, or hackle fibers.

• Wing: Two CDC feathers (

• Post: Fluoro Fiber, color of choice (

• Body: Stripped Peacock Quill.

• Thorax: Superfine dubbing ( or muskrat underfur (

• Parachute: CDC Fibers in a dubbing loop.


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