MUST KNOW!!! For Electric Guitar In Church

Описание к видео MUST KNOW!!! For Electric Guitar In Church

Its important to know some basic theory to play electric guitar in church. The better we know the guitar fretboard the better guitar player you will become. In this worship electric guitar lesson we will learn how the chords and scales connect. Demonstrating rhythm and lead electric guitar techniques with some basic guitar theory.
Video Content
0:00 Better electric guitar in church intro.
0:35 How to connect the C major scale to the chords in the key of C major.
2:25 How to use triads with the C major scale.
4:02 How to visualize the guitar fretboard.
4:54 Breakdown lead lines using the C major scale.
6:50 Ambient guitar using this electric guitar concept.
8:04 Playing better electric guitar in church.


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