Transport Fever 2 - Point City Express - Cockpit View

Описание к видео Transport Fever 2 - Point City Express - Cockpit View

In this video you are riding in a Shinkansen 800 multiple unit train. The entire video was recorded using the game Transport Fever 2 in cockpit mode. It looks best when playback quality is set to 1440p.

The line you are riding on is a passenger line and is my longest to date. It usually takes around 53 minutes to do one complete cycle. Other than a few very short pieces near some of the stations. The train never runs over the same piece of track twice.

The map used to create this video is very active and includes a lot of interesting scenarios. There is a large multiple city complex at the center of the map. With Point City being the largest city in the group. And of course there are plenty of trains!

This video uses a large number of mods. Thank you to all of the mod makers who make Transport Fever 2 a better game!

Please note: There are several spots on this video where there is some bad stuttering. Unfortunately at this point I can't do anything about this video. Fortunately I have some ideas on how to get rid of the stuttering in the future. If my ideas work then my next video should be better in this regard.


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