Azure Key Vault Complete Tutorial | Azure Devops | .Net Core

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Azure Key Vault Step By Step Tutorial. You will learn below things.
What is Azure Key Vault?
What are Secrets, Keys and Certificates in Azure Key Vault?
Why do we need Azure Key Vault?
How to Add Azure AD Authentication with Azure Key Vault Certificates?
How read Azure Key Vault Secrets from .net Core App Configuration Object?
How to do Encryption and Decryption with Azure Key vault Keys?
How to do Disk Encryption with Azure Disk Encryption using Azure Key Vault Keys?
What is Azure Key Vault? Why do we need it?
Azure Key Vault is a resource in azure which will provide more security to your application by preserving Secrets, Keys and Certificates in Azure Key Vault. If we take Secrets as an example, Traditional method to save configuration values like Database passwords, Api Keys in the configuration files which is not recommended. So Azure Key Vault Enhances the security. The app can read the secrets, keys and certificates from Azure Keyvault at run time and use them.
What are secrets, Keys and Certificates in Azure Key Vault?
Secrets can be any confidential value like database password, API Keys in Azure Key Vault.
Keys are used to encrypt decrypt information when we are saving files to the disk or over wire using Azure Key Vault Keys.
Certificates can be used for Encryption and Decryptions and also used for Authentication. We can save certificates in Azure Keyvault and use them for Authentication and Authorization.
How to Add Azure Active Directory Authentication with Azure Key Vault Certificates?
We have to create an App Registration in Azure Active Directory and give the required permissions. Then we can create Core Web Application and configure Azure AD configuration inside appsettings.json. As we are going to use Azure Key Vaults Certificates for Authentication, we need to add Azure Key Vault Certificate information in the appsettings.json. After that we need to configure Azure AD Authentication details in Startup.cs class file. We have to enable token acquisition and in memory cache of Core Web Application. Visual Studio Logged in User must have permissions on Azure Key Vault as Azure AD With Certificates uses Managed Identity. i.e It uses Logged in user details. Once we run the application, it will have Azure AD Authentication using Certificates. Please watch the video for clear understanding on Azure AD Authentication using Certificates. In this demo, we are going to get the token for Azure Graph API
How read Azure Key Vault Secrets from .net Core App Configuration Object?
We can attach Azure Key Vault Secrets to the app configuration. We have to call ConfigureAppConfiguration method of Host Builder and use SecretClient to fetch secrets and bind it to the Asp.Net Core Configuration object.
How to do Encryption and Decryption with Azure Key vault Keys?
First we have to create the key in Azure Key Vault. After Creating the Key in Azure Key vault, we have to read in .Net Core application and use that key to encrypt and decrypt the information. We have to use CryptographyClient of Azure.KeyVault.Keys nuget package to do Encryption and Decryption with Azure Key Vault keys.
How to do Disk Encryption with Azure Disk Encryption using Azure Key Vault Keys?
We need to create Azure Virtual Machine in the same region of Azure Key Vault and after that we have to give Reader Permission on Azure Key vault to the logged in User. After that, we can go to Disks then Additional Settings in the Virtual Machine, then do Azure Disk Encryption using Azure Key Vault Keys.
How to set alerts for Azure Key Vault?
We can set usage alerts in Alerts section of Azure Key Vault.

00:00 Introduction
02:16 Creating Azure Key Vault
16:03 Encryption and Decryption Using Key Vault Keys
28:12 Azure Key Vault Secrets
32:15 Attaching Key vault secrets to .net Core Configuration
43:58 Azure AD Authentication using Certificates
01:03:19 Azure Disk Encryption
01:06:01 Azure Key vault alerts


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