Better than Analog? Michelangelo - The pinnacle of analog emulation, but that's just the start.

Описание к видео Better than Analog? Michelangelo - The pinnacle of analog emulation, but that's just the start.

Critically acclaimed jazz and prog rock mixing and mastering engineer Mark Wingfield demonstrates audio examples and walk through of Tone Project and Hendyamps Michelangelo on a jazz track on the mix bus.

Mark has mixed or mastered three Downbeat Magazine Masterpiece Albums of the Year, two JazzWise Best Releases of the Year and three All About Jazz Best Albums of the Year. Jazz albums he has mixed or mastered have received more than 300 rave reviews worldwide. Mark mixes and masters at his UK based Heron Island Studio.

If you are interested in working with Mark on your next album you can contact him here:


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