Evil West Review - The Final Verdict

Описание к видео Evil West Review - The Final Verdict

Do I recommend Evil West? Well, at this point, I suspect you already know if this is your type of game or not. If you're one of those gamers whose primary concern is the sheer amount of content per dollar, then maybe wait for a sale. That math doesn’t really work out in the game’s favor, and there’s not much replay value outside of a half-baked co-op mode that doesn’t let player 2 save their game, and a new game plus.

Neither of which fundamentally change the game. But, if you are more concerned with just enjoying a solid action game that isn’t afraid to do it’s own thing in a few ways, and beats you over the head with the small handful of things it does well while respecting your time and wrapping up right about when it should, then Evil West is a great choice.

Being pretty firmly from the latter camp myself, I’d say this is one of the better action games of the year. I wish it did a bit more with its characters and surprised me a little more with its plot and level design, but there’s no denying the uncanny ability of Flying Wild Hog to capitalize on and squeeze every last bit of possible fun out of just a few cool ideas, and that ability is certainly on display here.


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