Jewelry in Ancient Peru

Описание к видео Jewelry in Ancient Peru

Overshadowed by the myth of El Dorado spread in Europe from the 16th century, the long history of the jewelry of civilizations of Peru remains unknown to the general public. Anonymous, goldsmiths from the Chavin, Vicus, Mochica, Lambayeque and Chimu cultures nevertheless played a major role in the history of the arts of metalwork of the Andean area, even before the advent of the Inca civilization.

Divine or secular adornments, ritual or identity jewelry… One thing is certain, jewelry in ancient Peru was the prerogative of powerful and enlightened political elites.

Embark on an exciting journey retracing the evolution of metalworking practices and the ideological transformations of men who fashioned gold and silver with devotion for 3,000 years.

With Carole Fraresso, Doctor in Archaeometallurgy, specialist in Andean goldsmithing
& Paul Paradis, art historian, specialist in decorative arts and Professor at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts.

Photo: Nose ornament representing a man with rope, gold and turquoise, Moche Culture (100 - 800 CE), ML100753, ©Museo Larco, Lima-Peru

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