SECLUDED SPOT in Singapore for Artsy Exploration & Shopping | 新加坡充满艺术气息的秘境

Описание к видео SECLUDED SPOT in Singapore for Artsy Exploration & Shopping | 新加坡充满艺术气息的秘境

HongisBored so he went to visit a place near Redhill, Enabling Village. This ‘village’ is not just filled with luscious greenery, it is also teeming with affordable original artworks crafted by special communities in Singapore. We also checked out a bistro there!

鸿闷了,跟姐姐到了位于红山附近的Enabling Village. 这地方不但充满绿意和艺术气息,也可以买到一些很特别的礼品!我们试吃了一家那里的一家咖啡厅!

Facebook:   / hongisbored  

  / hongisbored  
  / boredhong  
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