Are all things empty? - Nagarjuna & The Buddhist Middle Way

Описание к видео Are all things empty? - Nagarjuna & The Buddhist Middle Way

We're finally doing Buddhism! In this episode, we explore the teachings of the Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna and his school, known as Madhyamika, or "The Middle Way".

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Sources/Suggested Reading:

Siderits, Mark & Shoryu Katsura (Translated by) (2013). "Nagarjuna's Middle Way: The Mulamadhyamakakarika". Classics of Indian Buddhism. Wisdom Publications.

Westerhoff, Jan (2009). "Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction". Oxford University Press.

Ziporyn, Brook (2016). "Emptiness and Omnipresence: An essential introduction to Tiantai Buddhism". Indiana University Press.

#Nagarjuna #Buddhism #Emptiness


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