케이유 진 Keyu Jin 런던정경대학교(LSE) 경제학 교수 | China: Future Opportunities and Present Challenges | 2017 경향포럼

Описание к видео 케이유 진 Keyu Jin 런던정경대학교(LSE) 경제학 교수 | China: Future Opportunities and Present Challenges | 2017 경향포럼

케이유 진 Keyu Jin 런던정경대학교(LSE) 경제학 교수
Keyu Jin Professor of Economics at London School of Economics (LSE)

글로벌 거시경제 및 중국 경제 전문가인 케이유진 런던정경대 교수는 2017 경향포럼 ‘4차 산업혁명-새로운 기회, 새로운 도전’에 참석해 중국의 4차 산업혁명과 인공지능 등 글로벌 기술혁신 전반에 대해 강연했다.

The KYUNGHYANG FORUM 2017 | The 4th Industrial Revolution - New Opportunities and New Challenges
Title | China: Future Opportunities and Present Challenges

China: Future Opportunities and Present Challenges
The question of what role China will play in the global arena has become an increasingly important and hotly debated topic. Will China's economic growth sustain and will there be a financial crisis? I will discuss China's present challenges and future opportunities, including its embracement of new technologies and innovation, and what it means for the rest of the world.

organizer by ACRES


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