What's Overwatch 2 Like on Switch now?

Описание к видео What's Overwatch 2 Like on Switch now?

To say Overwatch 2 has had a rather tumultuous launch would probably be the understatement of 2023. Blizzard flicked off the servers for Overwatch 1, promising PVE, Co-Op, and the classic PVP modes, justifying the free upgrade, only to cancel a lot of these features 6 months later, including the main upgrade feature of "Hero Mode." Naturally, gamers didn't respond well and Overwatch 2 became the lowest-rated game in Steam history on PC. Switch owners didn't fare much better on launch, with ridiculous queues, leading to insane wait time to play, missing skins and progression not carrying over, and a lot of performance issues too. I know a lot of my friends abandoned Overwatch there. 14 months on, What's it Like? Queue as Tank, Support, or DPS, and let's take a look at the state of Overwatch 2 as we head into 2024.


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