Brighton Plaice, April 2024

Описание к видео Brighton Plaice, April 2024

At long last! Conditions are starting, just starting, to look great for plaice fishing along the Sussex coast. After two days of northerly winds, starting to calm the seas, I headed to Brighton to target plaice, one of my favourite fish to catch. Conditions were still not ideal: whilst the sea was calm and the sun out, some colour remained in the water after the choppy seas from two days prior.

In this video, I go through my tactics for the day -- baits and rigs. I used fresh-ish black lug and also sandeels. The latter were not for the plaice, but just an attempt to mix things up to see if anything out there fancied an eel for breakfast.

Brighton plaice fishing.
Sussex plaice fishing.
Hove plaice fishing.
It's all about the time and the plaice.


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