Rewiring Revolution:Neuroplasticity's Impact on Wellbeing | Kristen Meisenheimer | TEDxSanLuisObispo

Описание к видео Rewiring Revolution:Neuroplasticity's Impact on Wellbeing | Kristen Meisenheimer | TEDxSanLuisObispo

If you were given the choice to live a less stressful and more fulfilling life, wouldn’t you? As it
turns out, you are given that choice every time adversity strikes. By realizing the power of your
thoughts and utilizing the plasticity of your brain, one can practice skills that can help to rewire
the negative habitual thinking patterns that can ultimately result in mental and emotional ill
health. A distinguished faculty member with 18 years of teaching experience. This year she chose to take a break from teaching and follow a deep-rooted passion in neuroscience research for a one year intensive program at Vanderbilt’s Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery in Nashville, TN. She is traveling across the country to enlighten our attendees to the health benefits that can come from utilizing the brain’s neuroplasticity. Through the progression of the talk she will define neuroplasticity, use case studies to demonstrate its function within the brain, teach the audience how to identify opportunities for reprogramming one’s neurologic pathways that will reduce stress, and how to use this unique feature of the brain to improve general mental health of any individual. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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