Arteezy - Marci | Super Carry Power | Dota 2 Pro Games [Watch & Learn]

Описание к видео Arteezy - Marci | Super Carry Power | Dota 2 Pro Games [Watch & Learn]

Top MMR Plays / Welcome to Dota 2 Pro Games, the ultimate educational channel for all things e-sports related to the competitive scene of Dota 2. Here, you can watch replays of professional players in action, witness the highest MMR battles, and most importantly, learn from your favorite Pro players. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, our channel is the perfect place to improve your skills and knowledge of Dota 2. So come join us and elevate your gameplay to the next level!

This gameplay is recorded and edited by ME (the owner of the channel) and I am complying with VALVE's video policy, so I'm authorized to upload these kind of videos. Thumbnail is also made by me.

Valve - Dota 2 monetize video policy

#Dota2 #FullGame #ProGameplay #TopMMR #Dota2ProGames


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