Everything You Need to Know About QUIC and HTTP3

Описание к видео Everything You Need to Know About QUIC and HTTP3

The Internet waited decades for an upgrade to HTTP/1. But several features of HTTP/2 have proved problematic, and now just six years after its introduction, HTTP/3 has come on the scene along with a brand new transport protocol, QUIC.

In this video, we review the history of HTTP, explain how HTTP/3 fixes problems with HTTP/2 and introduces new challenges, and discuss the NGINX implementation of QUIC and HTTP/3.


Introducing a Technology Preview of NGINX Support for QUIC and HTTP/3

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Quick history breakdown of QUIC and HTTP3
04:03 HTTP/1.1 c. 1997
05:11 HTTP/2 c.2015
06:01 HTTP/3 .c2021
07:00 HTTP Stacks
07:43 HTTP Versions Today
09:26 Reality of HTTP Deployment
10:15 Environmental Factors
11:57 Revisiting the timeline of HTTP
12:29 What went wrong with HTTP/2
15:51 Head-of-line blocking hurts user experience
18:29 QUIC to the rescure
20:22 New Challenges
20:33 New Challenges: HTTP Version Negotiation
22:44 HTTP/3 Version Negotiation
23:52 New Challenges: UDP Exfiltration
25:00 nginx-quic
27:08 NGINX Configuration: HTTP/1
28:21 Summary of everything you need to know about QUIC and HTTP3


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