Knife restoration - is it made of three plates?

Описание к видео Knife restoration - is it made of three plates?

Hi in this video I repaired the knife. The knife belonged to the great-grandfather of the man from whom I bought the knife, the knife is quite old. The knife had already been repaired and the last handle was made of plastic, I don't know which handle was the first, I asked about it. The blade is strong, it did not work to process the edges of the knife with a file, I tried, took sandpaper and removed the shells from the carrosion along the contour. The surface of the knife was sanded with sandpaper p400, p800, p1000. To glue the knife handle together, I used a two-component epoxy resin to test the resin, I heated it to make sure it would set. Subscribe to the channel, thank you for stopping by, and I took a photo of an old silver thing, a thing from the time of the kings, take a look maybe you know what this thing is, photo in the community tab, thank you


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