"Budweiser" Super Bowl Commercial with 3D Horses - We will rock you - Queen

Описание к видео "Budweiser" Super Bowl Commercial with 3D Horses - We will rock you - Queen

I had the chance to work on this project as Animation Supervisor / 3D Lead Animator on all those cg horses for the entire project.
Bud mockumentary for launch of Super Bowl Bud Clydesdales in Russia is a spot in which I was supervising and animate all the entire project for the animation part with the five 3D horses.
All keyframes horses animation in 3D.
Director: Michael Lockshin
Production: Action film - Glassworks Barcellona
Post Production: Glassworks Barcellona
Animation Supervisor: Gianluca Fratellini
3D Lead Animator: Gianluca Fratellini

Best Super Bowl Commercials 2021


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