Keith Green - Live Perth - It's Our Fault

Описание к видео Keith Green - Live Perth - It's Our Fault

So many times Christians get this kind of a view that everything is going to be peaches and cream, when they you know, that they become Christians, and all their problems will be gone. You know, "just take your God's pill and everything will be okay".

But as you walk with the Lord, you find out that mostly, it's just one trial after another with him giving you the victory when you look to Him. And when you don't to one trial after another, no victories. But like I said before, trials are beautiful...

And tonight we're all going to take a beating in the Lord. Tonight, we're all going to be scorch. Tonight, we're all going to be whipped in love. Because unless our eyes are open, we'll never see. And unless we see the darkness and the hypocrisy and the compromise and the half hearted serving that we all call Christianity today. We'll never have anything better.

If you're satisfied with a heating system and a cold house, you'll never have better heat. And if you're satisfied with the air conditioning and a hot house, you'll never have better air conditioning. If you're satisfied living with rags, you'll never get better clothes. If you're satisfied living in a world where people are dying and how every single day sinking down into the pits of hell, then you'll never reach them and no one else will.

We're all hoping that God's gonna do something and God's hoping that we'll do something. For he has given us every tool under heaven. He's given us the Holy Spirit to empower us. He's given us the Bible to teach us and feed us. He's given us the blood to wash us from sin. He's given us the fellowship and the church so that we can have people to cry with and pray with and rejoice with.

He's given us all these tools and in Revelation 19 It says "hallelujah, for the wedding supper of the Lamb has come for her brought his bride has made herself ready." Listen to that. "His bride has made herself ready."


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