Havana torta kakvu još nisam probala‼️Recept star preko 30 godina! ❤️

Описание к видео Havana torta kakvu još nisam probala‼️Recept star preko 30 godina! ❤️

Havana torta🤍
4 jaja
4 žl šećera
2 žl brašna (glatko)
2 žl mljevenih oraha
- miksati pjenasto jaja i šećer, umiješati spatulom brašno i orahe. (po želji možete dodati na vrh noža praška za pecivo)
Peći na pek papiru u kalupu fi-30 na 180* 10 min. Ohladiti.
4 bjelanjka
4 žl šećera
4 žl mljevenih oraha
1 mala žličica cimeta
- miksati u čvrsti snijeg bjelanjke i šećer, spatulom umiješati orahe, rasporediti na pek papir u kalup fi-30 i peći na 180* 8 min. Raditi 3 ovakve kore a preostale žumanjke sačuvati za kremu.
12 žumanjaka
12 žl šećera
500 ml mlijeka
4 žl brašna
4 žl gustina
250 g maslaca
- miksati žumanjke sa šećerom, dodati ostale sastojke i dio mlijeka. Ostatak mlijeka zakuhati i skuhati gustu kremu. Miješati cijelo vrijeme pjenjačom da se ne stvore grudvice.
U još toplu kremu dodati sirup od marelice a u ohladjenu izmiksani maslac.
100 ml gustog soka od marelice
50 ml šećera
- ukuhati sok i šećer u sirup i ohladiti.
Ja sam umjesto ovoga dodala domaću marmeladu od marelice koju sam razmutila sa vodom i bilo je super.
150 ml vrhnja za šlag
150 ml hladnog mlijeka
2 vr šlag pjene
- smiksati čvrsti šlag i slagati tortu.
Podloga- žuta krema- šlag - meringa kora - žuta krema - šlag - meringa kora - žuta krema - šlag - meringa kora.
Ja na kraju završim premazom od par žl žute kreme i šlaga koje pomješam - tek da se gornja kora ne isuši.
Ohladiti preko noći, dekorirati po želji i uživati!
Torta je bogata i baš je puno dodje. Stabilna je i podnijela bi i buttercream i fondan. Cijeli postupak imate detaljno prikazan u mom @youtube videu na kanalu @just.katebake ❤️
#justkatebake #havana #recepti #torta

Havana cake
4 eggs
4 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp flour (smooth)
2 tbsp ground walnuts
- mix foamy eggs and sugar, mix flour and walnuts with a spatula. (if desired, you can add baking powder to the tip of the knife)
Bake on parchment paper in a fi-30 mold at 180* for 10 min.
Cool down.
4 egg whites
4 tbsp of sugar
4 tablespoons of ground walnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- mix the egg whites and sugar into stiff snow, mix in the walnuts with a spatula, spread on baking paper in a fi-30 mold and bake at 180* for 8 min. Make 3 such crusts and save the remaining yolks for the cream.
12 egg yolks
12 tbsp of sugar
500 ml of milk
4 tablespoons of flour
4 tbsp starch
250 g of butter
- mix egg yolks with sugar, add other ingredients and part of milk.
Boil the rest of the milk and make a thick cream.
Stir all the time with a whisk so that no lumps form. Add the apricot syrup to the still warm cream and the mixed butter to the cooled cream.
100 ml of thick apricot juice
50 ml of sugar
- boil juice and sugar into syrup and cool.
Instead of this, I added homemade apricot marmalade that I mixed with water and it was great. WHIP CREAM:
150 ml of whipping cream
150 ml of cold milk
2 bags of instant whipped cream
- mix stiff whipped cream and stack the cake.
Base - yellow cream - whipped cream - meringue crust - yellow cream - whipped cream - meringue crust - yellow cream - whipped cream - meringue crust.
At the end, I finish with a coating of a couple of tablespoons of yellow cream and whipped cream, which I mix - just so that the top crust does not dry out.
Cool overnight, decorate as desired and enjoy!
The cake is rich and there is a lot of it. It is stable and would handle both buttercream and fondant. You can see the whole procedure in detail in my @youtube video on the channel @just.katebake ❤️ . . #justkatebake #havana #recipes #cake


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