Pisse - Drehtür

Описание к видео Pisse - Drehtür

i dont own any of this etc etc. i didnt find most individual songs on youtube so i decided it would be a good idea to post it here. check out the pisse album where this is from btw https://pisse.bandcamp.com/album/kohl...

drehtür (revolving door)

inside the revolving door of life
you walk in circles
a dead soul
everything ends
the way it begins
you lie in your bed
wearing a nappy
and the newsreader
tells you about good weather
but in front of your door, dressed up as a pizza deliveryman, death stands already
with a pizza in his hands
and you call the cops
but they can't hear you anymore
here you've been conceived, here you're gonna die
in an IKEA bed


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