How I became Zero to Hero in English Fluency - My three strategies - How I learnt to speak English

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Link to my English Speaking Course:

I improved my English because it became a crucial goal in my life. Moving to a better school exposed my language shortcomings, lowering my confidence and making communication difficult. This shift made mastering English not just a necessity but a purpose.

I concentrated on overcoming my lack of confidence and hesitation rather than fretting over grammar details. By focusing on speaking, I learned the language's structure organically. Speaking English, even with limited knowledge, helped me gradually improve.

To enhance my skills, I engaged in proactive practice, like speaking to myself in front of a mirror, creating stories, and getting accustomed to the language. This approach made actual conversations less daunting.

Lastly, I focused on not just fluency but also the style of speaking, incorporating pauses and avoiding filler words to make my communication clear and enjoyable. This approach, combined with the respectful and articulate manner inherited from my upbringing in Lucknow, significantly enhanced my language skills.

Today, I share my journey and strategies through social media and courses, helping others improve their English. This story demonstrates that with targeted effort and smart strategies, anyone can master a new language.


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