How To Become a GREAT Real Estate Analyst [3 Steps]

Описание к видео How To Become a GREAT Real Estate Analyst [3 Steps]

How To Become a GREAT Real Estate Analyst [3 Steps] // Whether your long-term goal is to run acquisitions at a major private equity firm, to manage a portfolio of 100 properties or more, or to go out on your own and start your own real estate investment or brokerage firm, the path to get there almost always starts at the analyst level.

A real estate analyst role is the entryway into some of the most coveted jobs in commercial real estate and is also a great training ground for entrepreneurship, and even though we talk a lot about how to LAND a job in commercial real estate on this channel, I think it’s ALSO worth taking a deeper dive into how to actually stand out when you DO land an analyst role, and what it takes to be successful in one of these positions.

And just like in any job, there are levels of analysts out in the field, and the quicker you start taking actions that put you at the top of that spectrum, the more quickly you’re likely to be promoted within your firm, or have the opportunity to take a leap into a leadership position at a different company.

And in this video, we'll walk through three things you can start doing right now to become that top-level real estate analyst (outside of just improving in Excel or ARGUS), and how you can significantly accelerate your career path up to the manager, director, or VP level in short order.

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LBJ Image: All-Pro Reels, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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