BEAGLE Tapes: Episode 48 - Erik Ellington and the Carlsbad Gap

Описание к видео BEAGLE Tapes: Episode 48 - Erik Ellington and the Carlsbad Gap

The iconic quote, "I'm getting fucked up tonight" has been embedded in the minds of an entire culture of skateboarders. A battle cry for triumph. Erik Ellington's last trick from the BAKER 3 video only shows the make with the famous "Ellington Shuffle", but there was an iceberg of hard work, failure, commitment, broken boards and long drives home returning empty handed.

What is it that drives a skateboarder to relentlessly pursue a brief moment of bliss at any cost? Is it determination or insanity? Most likely a balance between the two. In this battle you will see the color of the grass change, the seasons change and even Erik's hair color, but the one thing that remained consistent was his conviction that he would achieve his goal, the backside bigspin. So ,if Erik says "I'm getting fucked up tonight", then it's probably well deserved. Circa 2004 and 2005


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